Thursday, February 21, 2008

Frenzy 6

Well, we're still in London, and with some fortuitous global synchronicity given the recent announcement that our man in Havana, Fidel Castro, will be stepping aside, we're looking for Cuba. Cuban rum, that is, and more precisely, where one might find the best Mojito in London.


As those of you outside the US may or may not be aware, the right-wing nut-jobs who dominate foreign policy decided decades ago that the best way to punish Fidel for his crazy commie ways would be to enact an embargo against Cuban goods. The most famous result, other than the inexcusable decimation of the Cuban economy and the relegation of millions of innocent civilians to lives of abject poverty, is that Cuban cigars may not be imported, bought, sold, or possessed in the US.

Less famously, and much more unfortunately for the majority of folks who don't smoke cigars, is a similar ban on Cuban rum, which is undeniably some of the finest in the world. For those fortunate enough to live close to Mexico or Canada, which don't enforce this pointless and counterproductive embargo, it's relatively easy to get a taste of this fine, fine elixir, but for the millions of Americans stuck in the heartland of the continent, most simply have no idea what they're missing.


Luckily for me, I have a friend in London, formerly of Cork, with a fondness for the fine rum concoction known as The Mojito, and a burning desire to find a quantity of the same. It's a quest for which we were able to find a happy resolution, as the photos you're viewing will testify. I'm going to protect her innocence by not naming her here, although the pics might tell a different story of "innocence"...

OK, so here it is: You're going to London, and you need the best mojito you can find, and you'll settle for nothing less than Cuban rum. You'd like to find a place that recalls a bar in Old Havana where legend has it the mojito was invented, a place where Papa Hemingway spent his afternoons sipping rum shaded from the lazy sun in the 1940s...but you're not in Old Havana. Where might you find such a place in present day London? Tell me the name of the restaurant/bar, and if you have any interesting Cuban or rum-related tidbits, rumors, tall tales, or outright lies you'd like to share, toss 'em in as well, and you might earn the coveted extra flavor squirt for your frosty goodness!




Anonymous said...

This is way too easy! But then again I was there that night.
I drank Mojitos. I skipped dinner. I drank some more Mojitos. I shared stories. I drank a few more Mojitos. I giggled. I drank a Champagne Mojito. And the rest of the night is a bit of a blur.

I do remember joining 2 casinos thanks to recommendations of a certain wealthy "gentleman" with wandering hands. I have no idea where these said casinos are (other than in London, of course) but I found out that they do serve alcohol until 6 am. This meant I could stay out enjoying rum until the Tube started running again. I know for sure I passed out in the Tube on my way home and again on the bus home from the Tube station. All in all a great night out by the sounds of it. I am kinda happy I don't remember any more tho...

Believe it or not I have a table booked at La Bodeguita del Medio in Kensington tonight! This time I'm going to try the food there as well. Of course the evening starts with a blinding Mojito at the bar. And the evening is most likely also going to end with a blinding Mojito at the bar. Fingers crossed I'll stay awake until I get home!

Anonymous said...

This is way too easy! But then again I was there that night.
I drank Mojitos. I skipped dinner. I drank some more Mojitos. I shared stories. I drank a few more Mojitos. I giggled. I drank a Champagne Mojito. And the rest of the night is a bit of a blur.

I do remember joining 2 casinos thanks to recommendations of a certain wealthy "gentleman" with wandering hands. I have no idea where these said casinos are (other than in London, of course) but I found out that they do serve alcohol until 6 am. This meant I could stay out enjoying rum until the Tube started running again. I know for sure I passed out in the Tube on my way home and again on the bus home from the Tube station. All in all a great night out by the sounds of it. I am kinda happy I don't remember any more tho...

Believe it or not I have a table booked at La Bodeguita del Medio in Kensington tonight! This time I'm going to try the food there as well. Of course the evening starts with a blinding Mojito at the bar. And the evening is most likely also going to end with a blinding Mojito at the bar. Fingers crossed I'll stay awake until I get home!

Anonymous said...

Nice try little girl. However, Sparky has attmpted to fool us all by including a false premise in his original post. You see, those glasses in the picture were posted in reverse order. They are actually urine specimen cups for highland gorillas. The "Bar" in London where the took the pictures was actually the London Zoo where he was participating in one of his many obscure fetishes. I applaud his willingness to come out of the closet. Perhaps some day we will all get more than a peek at the real Slim Shady.

GT2-HN (anyone who guesses what that stands for gets a freakin steak)

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm....."HN".....Herman Newsom?.....