Friday, August 28, 2009

Frenzy 6 - La Bodeguita del Medio

Winner: Sari Blossom Karppinen

So this last frenzy started out with the intention of offering a challenging search for you frenziers, but eager beaver Blossom couldn't keep her panties (knickers? - how should one reference the delicate undies of a Finn living in London?) on and jumped in with the answer before anyone else could even take a sip of the rummy mystery behind the photos.

Crush me, it did, and after the initial shock and denial, followed quickly by overriding waves of guilt at my unintended complicity in the loss, I lashed out in anger before settling into a deep depression lasting many months. Eventually, I was able to get out of bed again, as hints of a positive future began to reassert themselves, and I began taking practical steps towards reconstructing a life post-tragedy, and just recently I've been able to accept that, while life will never be the same again, it's finally time to move on.

And so, it's now time to confirm that, as Blossom noted, that the finest Mojito in London, made with some fine, fine Cuban rum, may be found at La Bodeguita del Medio in Kensington. You'll also note from Blossom's comment that she's been back since the night when we drained the establishment of a week's supply of Havana Club, and she's been heard from rarely since. Interpret this as ye may, but be sure and stop and say hello next time you visit - she'll be at the left end of the bar, likely with an empty glass that you really should refill for her.


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