Sunday, January 6, 2008

Frenzy 4 - Bryce Canyon National Park

Winner: Jennifer Rae Atkins

Bryce Canyon is Mother Nature at her most ostentatious. She holds back neither in her palette, nor in shapes, shadows, patterns, whispers, screams, scents, or feathery touch, but most clearly, she allows her imagination to run wild, and in so doing, allows a visitor's to do the same. You should go. Really. Until you do, here's some link-y info:

Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon Pics (nice slide show)

Jennifer Rae Atkins is another of Mother Nature's remarkable achievements. While her story is every bit as compelling as that of previous winners, involving as it does remote ice caves and pizza parlors in Iceland, and a direct link to the legend of the creation of the Land of Enchantment, as her home state of New Mexico is now known, I'm going to save that for another post so that I may bring to your attention something TRULY remarkable.

Jennyrae, as she is also known, has undertaken a project unparalleled in human history. This is not hyperbole. As visitors to her website, The Daily Mammal, are aware, Jennyrae has embarked on a journey that is projected to last over 14 years, and will surely earn her a place in human history: she is going to draw every known mammal on the planet.


Head to the back of the bus, Mr. Audubon. Amateurs need not apply.

I could go on and on - there are so many facets to this amazing enterprise, but the best way to be wowed is to visit the site and wallow in the riches as would a hippo in the muddy womb of the Congo. Do it now. Click on the link above. Or this one right here: The Daily Mammal. Seriously. You'll be glad you did.

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